Could your science department benefit from co-planning?

“The co-planning of lessons is the task that has one of the highest likelihoods of making a marked positive difference on student learning.”

John Hattie, ‘Visible Learning for Teachers’, 2012

What does lesson planning look like for you?

Most teachers have very limited time in which to plan their lessons, and so the important question is: what can teachers do to ensure that the activities they perform within limited planning time result in maximum impact for their students?

The answer to this question may lie in the practice of co-planning.

Access a sample Unit Preparation Guide from within the Science Mastery programme below to guide your co-planning.

Science Mastery Unit Preparation Booklet

See a sample booklet made to support teaching each Science Mastery unit, with a pre-unit quiz, common misconceptions and subject knowledge development.

See sample content from the Science Mastery Secondary programme

To see a sample Unit Preparation Booklet, simply complete your details below and you'll have instant access to the booklet including a pre-unit quiz and common misconceptions.

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Science Mastery Unit Preparation Booklet

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Science Mastery Secondary