Posted on 12th January 2021

Gaining confidence in the remote classroom

10:56 AM, 12th January 2021
Gaining confidence in the remote classroom

Gaining confidence in the remote classroom

We are all working in challenging circumstances at the moment. 

As teachers ourselves, we know that teaching works best in the classroom and can feel awkward and unnatural online. 

Here at Ark Curriculum Plus, our English Mastery and Mathematics Mastery curriculum teams have put together some guidance to help you find pedagogical approaches for remote learning that best suit your teaching style and school context.

Firstly, it is ok to focus solely on getting the basics right. Before trying to become a remote learning master, ground yourself in the familiarity and simplicity of the situation. 

We recommend focusing on these four key ideas:

Learning is learning…

… and you are experts in how to teach your subject. Use your excellent classroom practice when planning and teaching online.

Keep it simple

Teaching and learning online is cognitively challenging for everyone. Ensure you all have time to master the basics of online communication.

Think again about pace

Some activities will take longer to do online and some will be quicker. Time spent learning and reinforcing new routines in the early lessons is not wasted.

Know your subject

Your knowledge is still the most important feature of a great lesson.

On top of those key ideas, planning for a remote lesson sometimes feels different to planning a live lesson. However, there are a lot of similarities. 

Here are four key lesson planning questions we think are particularly important for remote teaching:

  • How much of this lesson will I be able to deliver live?
  • Which activities need to be led and directed by me? Which can students attempt independently?
  • When and how shall I check for understanding during this lesson?
  • How will I review and give feedback on students’ completed work?

Additional information

  • You might also like to read our blog from Hannah Parsons, Ark Network Lead for Primary Maths. Hannah shares her five top tips for creating remote learning content for primary pupils. Go to the blog
  • You can also read the guidance that the English Mastery team are providing for our partner schools, with ideas for remote teaching the programme. Read the guidance
  • Or watch below the recording of our webinar on Making curriculum work remotely, a case study for KS3 subject leaders