Thomas's Academy

Thomas's Academy

Thomas's Academy

Results have been amazing, but it’s the children’s confidence that really shines through

Lyndsey Gale | Senior Leader

We joined the Mathematics Mastery partnership in 2012 and were one of the original pioneer schools. I was teaching Year 1 pupils and saw dramatic improvements in the first year. 

By the summer term, most pupils had made more than double the expected progress.

Mathematics Mastery arrived at a time when our maths teaching and learning really needed developing. Key Stage 1 results were lower than they should have been, and something needed to be put in place to improve children’s understanding of mathematics.

At first I questioned whether the programme would really be able to benefit all the children in the class. Would it only have a positive effect on the higher-attaining pupils, for example? It only took a short while before I realised the approach resonates with all learners. Also it really encourages you, as a teacher, to think more creatively.

The change in results has been amazing, but it’s the children’s confidence that really shines through. You can tell by the way pupils explain number patterns that they truly understand what they are working on.

With Mathematics Mastery, I’ve found the key is not just knowing the answer, but knowing how you got to the answer. It reveals a genuine understanding of key mathematical ideas.

How can we help?

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